Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cute sleeping babies

Here are 18 sleeping baby pigs. They are about a month old and will be sold in about 2 more weeks. They will be called wiener pigs because they have been wiened from their mother. We have dozens of pig projects coming up in the next year so we will buy a lot of piglets. Lucky aren't we?

Trying to count squirming baby pigs

I tried to count the babies but they were running around too fast. We will probably try to buy smaller pigs like these in the future when they get to be about 20 lbs.

Pig projects

These are some of the members and myself buying some pigs one day. We bought 7 Canadian Whites that weighed about 45 lbs. each. The members were excited to get their pigs and start a little business of raising them. Much different than all of the chicken projects we have done.

How to weigh a pig

This is Mr. Nash our pig farmer friend weighing one of the pigs we bought. He simply put the pig in a grain sack and hooked the sack on a scale. The pig weighed about 45 lbs and was sold to us for about $80.00 US. When the pig gets about 130 lbs., they will either sell it for meat or have the females bred for more pigs. Pigs have a 3-3-3 cycle for having a litter. Three months, three weeks and three days and they deliver after getting pregnant


This is a fruit bud called sorrel. The local people use it for a delicious drink mixed with ginger. Very tasty with a little bite from the ginger. The farmers on the 5 acre farm have about 2 acres of sorrel almost ready for harvest. They have to take a large pit from the center of the bud and sell the petals on the market for about one dollar a pound.

Corn and pumpkins

The farmers are growing some so called sweet corn (actually field corn) and some pumpkins in their 5 acre farm.

Cucumber patch

This is part of the first of the vegatables that were sold on the 5 acre farm. At least it was a start for them so they could start paying their own expenses.

Beautiful children

We went to a pre-school to give them some school kits and found these delightful young kids. They were really excited to get some school supplies from the church and we were happy to give them some. These kids have nothing.

Hair art

This young girl had her hair weaved by her mother. This process took about 4 hours to do and they leave it in for 1-2 months at a time. Very beautiful and artistic.

It works!!

I suppose the truck in front of us couldn't find a red flag to put on the back of his ladder so he just improvised with a bunch of flowers.