Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rehabilitation center

The Church gave lots of crutches, walkers and canes to a large rehabilitation center in Guyana. The organization was very grateful for our help. Many people in Guyana need these items because of the lame and crippled.

Planter boxes

We are doing a fun project in Guyana with a farm group. They are building planter boxes and green houses for the secondary students in Linden. These students will come to this project and learn how to plant seeds, transplant small seedlings and how to fertilizer them. They will take these seedlings home and plant gardens at their houses. Most families don't have gardens and with an 80% unemployment there, the gardens will help a lot.


Every once in a while we get to play on an island. We are in our p-day clothes on a beach on Tobago. Tobago is a smalll island next to Trinidad. Both islands share the same government and currency. We took a very large ferry from Trinidad to Tobago to work on some projects.

Yummy fish

This is a King fish that they serve in restaurants in the islands. We ate this fish in Tobago at a little restaurant on the beach. It was wonderful.

Big cannon

Sister Whitehead is pushing me into this large cannon in Tobago. Actually, we were just playing with the large old weapon. It had a 14" diameter hole in it.

Plug your ears!!!

This shows a picture of a huge semi-truck loaded with tons of speakers and a huge generator. There were 16 of these trucks in the childrens carnival parade. When the truck passed us, the concussion actually hurt our insides. What noise and discomfort. Carnival is a yearly celebration held in lots of countries including New Orleans. This is a picture of our celebration in Trinidad. It is a very wicked 3 days when the adult events occour. Much drinking and nudity. All of the missionaries have to stay in their apartments and cannot leave for the whole time. Good idea. They play games and eat and eat.

Costumes at carnival

The following pictures are showing some of the beautiful costumes the children were wearing at Carnival. It was a 4 hour parade with thousands of children dressed in very fancy costumes.

More of carnival

More of carnival

More of carnival

More of carnival