Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kitchen remodel

In Suriname, we went to a large boarding facility called Zaailand. It houses 80 boys from 12 to 20 years of age. They receive their food and lodging while going to different trade schools during the day. This is the kitchen that all of their food is prepared in. They asked us to help remodel it because it is not very sanitary. We will do the project for them.

The Hindu

While in Suriname, we visited a large Hindu Shrine where dozens of their gods and idols were exibited. Here is Sister Whitehead standing next to one of the idols we were attracted to because of all the items on him.


This is a multi-headed snake god of the Hindu. Don't know what he does.

Room full of Gods

This is room with several Hindu gods. Don't know the name of any of them.

Hindu Goddess

This is one of several thousand goddesses the Hinde believe in. I don't know her name.

Dogs, dogs and more dogs

I have mentioned several times about all of the animals over here. This is a very typical scene with dogs laying around. There are tens of thousands of dogs like these and they all look alike. They are the same breed-mutts. They all have long legs and the same face. Most are sick and have bad skin diseases.

Suriname rice field

This is a tractor working in a rice field in Suriname. Notice the large steel paddle wheels on each side of the regular tires. These steel paddles give the added traction the tractor needs to work in the mud. Not very often do you see a tractor get stuck.

Angel Moroni

We were in the DR (Dominican Republic) and went to the temple one day. One our way out, I took this picture of the temple behind this little building. It looks like the Angel Moroni is mounted on top of the little building but is actually behind it.