Sunday, October 4, 2009


We were driving through the backroads of Grenada and found a man cooking a cow's head on an open fire. He said that he cooks it this way for a while then skins the outer hide to get to the good stuff whatever that is. We didn't want to know.

Beautiful Grenada

I took this picture from the balcony of the church in Grenada. When I was in church, I think I was a little distracted. A hurricane almost completely destroyed the island just 5 years ago and look at it now.

Young elders

This is the truck loaded with bales of clothing ready to go. These are two of the young Elders assigned to Grenada. They are so fun to be around and they work hard

Helping hands

This shows a bunch of elders and others who helped unload the container in Grenada when it came in to port. It took all day.

Happy women

This shows a large group of women going through the bales of clothing we took to their little village in Grenada. They thought it was Christmas. Many of these women had large families.

Children's home

We delivered clothing to this childrens home. They were delighted to get some clothing and other items from the Church.

Disabled band

This is a home for the disabled. We furnished a lot of clothing to them and when we left, they played some little instruments and sang a song for us. We sang "I am a child of God" to them as we were leaving.

New dressers

We had a carpenter make 50 of these dressers for an old folks home in Guyana. The patients had nowhere to put their little bit of stuff and asked the Church for help. It was a fun project

Twisted hair

This is a picture of a new member of the Church in Grenada. She doesn't weave her hair but twists it. It's still a lot of work.

Last photo of Guyana

This is one of the largest wood churches in the world. We took the picture the day before we left Guyana.